Thursday, May 25, 2023

Day 8: This is the End, My Friend

 Hi all,

5 hours of walking today and I reached the end of Hadrian’s wall! Here are the highlights:

The final point of the wall is Segedunum, the final Fort before the North Sea.I walked for 8 days, with a total 

Step count over 230000. The number of flights climbed was 211. My legs are not sore…there were baths in all the rooms lately, and ibuprofen is my friend. Just one blister on the inside of my pinky on the left. 

I am so glad I did this! It was great to see the scenery, history, and go to villages and towns I wouldn’t have seen.  Now I am going to York and London for a few days to see more things and decompress- sleeping in sounds good!

Thanks for following along with my journey!


Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Day 7: Nature Reserve and the End of the Farms

 Hello everyone! Second last day today. One more day of walking then I am done. Here is the picture journey today:

Mother last visible bit of the Wall is in the one pic with me posing beside it. No more farms now, as I am on the outskirts of Newcastle. One more day of walking, pretty much all by the River Tyne.I will see you tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Day 6: Heading Toward the Last Stretch

 Hi all,

Today was a quick walk and no wall to be seen again. However, some varied landscape…

Bonus scone shot!  My photos haven’t synced again, so lots haven’t transferred over. I will ETA them…edited to add.

I think the next two days will be quiet and flat., in terms of terrain. See you soon!


Days 5: Rain Threat Changed Plans for the Better

 Hi everyone! The day after my crag climbing there was a diversion from the Wall for a couple of reasons: with rain in the forecast, I wasn’t keen on being on slippery rock crags and on high ground - lightning magnet; and I really wanted to see Vindolanda, one of the most significant Roman artifact sites in the world. My hosts Ian and Kate told me I would regret missing that site. So, I decided it was Roman Fort day! Here are some highlights from each of the forts.

Vindolanda is an active archeological site. Apparently, there is perhaps 200 more years of digging to do given what has been seen on ground surveys. It has the largest collection of Roman shoes, wigs, and paper! Given these items are 1800-1900 years old, that is impressive. I certainly have seen older items elsewhere, but this still gets the history fiend in me excited. 

Was it going to rain? Here were the clouds…

I then went to Houseseads fort…apparently my iPad hasn’t imported all pics from my phone. More ruins, so you get the idea.the last fort was Chester’s Fort which had a spectacular museum and cool ruins of baths.

I was picked by my next host, Dave and got to snuggle with a dog, Sashy:

Hard to take the selfie…lol! She was on me for 30 minutes and we played after dinner.

See you tomorrow!


Sunday, May 21, 2023

Days 3 and 4: We Have Achieved Wall!

 Hi all! I am now halfway through the walk. Just a quick pictorial summary. Day 3, I walked from Irthington to Gilsland. The distance was about the same as yesterday. This is finally where I saw The Wall! Here are some highlights…

Dinner was at Blenkinsopp castle. 

The pub is in what was the kitchens - like many English nobility, the Blenkinsopps sold part of the property because noble blood doesn’t earn you any money anymore, and why ever would you work? There is part of the castle remaining with the noble family still living there and the rest is in ruins. The food was great!

Day 4 has been following the wall upland into what are known as The Crags. I have walked from Gilsland to Once Brewed.  I walked about 20 km, and the equivalent of 83 flights of stairs. Let’s see why…

That white marker means I have reached the highest point of the wall. Apparently tomorrow is going to be more up and down crag walking. My calves are rock hard, so they will be even more so tomorrow. 

I am popping ibuprofen each night to prevent major muscle pain.  So long until tomorrow!
